Real Estate
At J. Stabholz & Co. we have a specialized real-estate department which handles a wide
variety of real estate transactions, including acquisitions and sales, leasing, National
Outline Plan (Tama) 38, evacuation and renewal plans, asset management, contractor
and “combination” and joint venture-based transactions, land tax issues, litigation,
project management and registration versus the various authorities.
The attorneys at our firm have vast and comprehensive experience in representation
and support of landowners, contractors, developers, tenants and potential buyers in
Israel and throughout the world. The firm provides support and advice to large scope
projects including construction of apartment buildings, houses, infrastructure work,
malls and office buildings. Our firm also initiates and participates in real-estate ventures
in Israel, Europe and in the United States.
The firm specializes in supporting projects and realization of building rights within the
frameworks of National Outline Plan (Tama) 38 and evacuation and renewal plans. The
firm has supported and continues to successfully support tenants and developers in the
area of urban renewal, National Outline Plan (Tama) 38, evacuation and renewal. The
attorneys at our firm have vast experience in all issues relating to negotiations
management with apartment owners and developers dealing in realization of National
Outline Plan (Tama) 38 projects, and extensive professional knowledge of all relevant
regulatory legal and commercial aspects of these transactions in the areas of property,
planning, construction and taxation.
The firm acts in conjunction with experts in the field of real estate, including architects,
assessors, tax advisors, marketing agents, real-estate agents, contractors and more.
These partnerships help us provide our clients with the best and most comprehensive